
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School Traditions

The first day of school is finally here!!! I still remember how excited I use to get every year on my first day and I want to instill that same excitement in my little guy. We have done all the “prep” work now, reading first day of school books, picking out a special outfit and even preparing his backpack for the first day! I am not going to lie, I thought a backpack was a bit ridiculous for a 2 year old but then my mom pulled out the LL Bean backpack that my sister, brother and I all used for preschool and I decided that B had to carry on the tradition. A little ribbon and stitch witchery later we a super cute personalized backpack that is just perfect for B’s extra diapers and clothes. I love that he is carrying on a tradition but also making it his own (since he got to pick out the dinosaur ribbon) so that got me thinking about other first day of school traditions and I thought I would put together a list of my top 5 favorites that I would consider incorporating into our family too.

11. The super cute first day pictures with a sign (they are on every parent’s Pinterest or Facebook wall)
2. Favorite meal- preparing a special meal (either breakfast or dinner) for your little ones first day. We did chicken nuggets and apples for lunch, B’s current favorites
33. Afternoon snack- Katie’s family is carrying on  her husband’s tradition of fresh baked cookies and milk at home after school
44. First day video- capturing what the first day of school was like from his own mouth.
5.  Special lunch treat- leaving a special surprise and note in his lunch box to help cheer him on.

We really did have an awesome first day of school and while I had a laundry list of things to accomplish on my “first day of freedom” I was super excited to be able to stick around and witness first hand all that he was experiencing. I was really excited to see that a lot of the songs and rhymes that his teacher used were the same ones that we have done in Music Together throughout the last two years. I really think it brought that level of familiarity to the experience for him and at one point he even said “Bee-anne sings that” (Breanne has been his Music Together teacher.)  I love that we got to create these memories together and I am super excited for what the next year has in store for us.

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