
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day Recap

We had the best time celebrating our favorite Dad's this past weekend. So much fun that it took me an extra day to finally catch up on things and do a Father’s Day post! There was tons of family, food and fun to be had by all and I think it’s safe to say that we made the most of it!  On Saturday, Little B went on his first Annual father’s day bike ride with his Dad, Uncle and Grandpa while I got some house/yard work tackled with my parents and then we celebrated with a double grandparents post-bike ride BBQ. Sunday we woke up and made some delicious banana chocolate chip pancakes for Daddy and Grandpa Doug and then headed down to the Georgetown waterfront for a late lunch and some boat/plane watching. B’s favorite part, feeding the ducks his Daddy’s sandwich. 

As a special treat for Father’s Day dinner, I made the most delicious Korean BBQ recipe pulled from the Washingtonian Best Bites Blog. Korean BBQ always takes me back to family time in Hawaii and all the paper plate lunches we have shared on the beach. Lucky for me, 703 Daddy loves it just as much as I do so he actually requested it for his big day. The recipe featured is from Honey Pig which I am ashamed to say I have still not tried, and it was absolutely spectacular. After eating my homemade version of their BBQ Beef I have a feeling that Honey Pig has made it to the top of my Must Try restaurant list although I really wish that I could get it for $5 from a road side grill on Oahu.

Homemade Honey Pig Beef BBQ
When making this recipe, I used the thin sliced rib eye which I purchased from the H-Mart in Fairfax. If you have never been to this Korean Grocery and you have an adventurous palate you should definitely make the trip out there. They have a massive produce section and fish market and also carry hard to find spices, sauces and other condiments. The best part really is their prices... they are arguably the best around.
The only alteration I made to the recipe was that I finely diced the Asian Pear instead of grating it because honestly I just couldn’t imagine taking that much time to grate it. I marinated the meat overnight and although I purchased FIVE lbs. of rib eye we only cooked half of it. I froze the second half in a zip lock bag so that we can have a super tasty dinner another night this summer. So just in case you missed this Father’s Day post from Washingtonian here we go: Honey Pig’s BBQ Beef

Little B and I even managed to get a couple of super cute Father’s Day crafts prepared for the occasion that could totally be adapted for any other special person or day. 
“I love You THIS MUCH” Craft

 This was a super easy activity to do with B and was also easy to replicate once I made the original hand template. I traced each one of his hands on card stock and then cut them out to use as a template. I then traced out 4 new sets, one for 703 Daddy, one for each of his Grandpas and one for his Ojiisan (Great Grandpa) I glued each hand print to one end of a strip of card stock and wrote the words “This Much” on the strip. I folded the strip like an accordion so that it would fit in an envelope and then wrote the text “Daddy/Grandpa/Ojiisan, I love you” on the front hand and Happy Father’s Day 2012 Love, B on the back hand.
This craft would also make a super cute valentine, birthday or just because card for any of your loved ones. I know it was a big hit in our family and of course I love it because it reminds me of the children’s book book Guess How Much I Love You.

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