
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 5th of July!

We had an awesome time celebrating the birth of our nation yesterday. There is nothing like having friends over for a BBQ and then heading around the corner to watch the neighborhood fireworks. The kids spent most of the afternoon in and out of the baby pool while the adults bigger kids, enjoyed a few games of corn hole.

Since we had been without power for a few days prior (thanks derecho) things were a bit hectic for us early in the week. Clearing the debris from the yard, trashing all our spoiled food and squandering for food and ice which seemed to be in high demand in these parts made for interesting party prep. If it weren’t for the lovely bag of Honest Tea products that welcomed us home from the beach I probably would have been in full tilt mad woman status upon our return.They totally made my Monday.

I absolutely loved getting the chance to share their products with all of our friends yesterday. Little B and the kiddos loved the juice pouches and I know all my mommy friends appreciated that they are low in sugar and all natural. The adults had their fill of Honest Tea and Ade products and it is safe to say that their new “Not To Sweet Tea” was the perfect thirst quencher for the super-hot day. I love southern food and have always had a sweet spot in my heart for sweet tea but knowing how much sugar goes into that tea keeps me from drinking it on a regular basis. I found that the Honest Tea "Not Too Sweet" version really gives me my sweet tea fix without the super sweet taste and without all the extra sugar. I am so excited that they shared their product with me and I will definitely be purchasing more for our next summer BBQ.  The best part about their products is that they are all natural and organic but what makes them even sweeter is that they are a MD based company so of course they have our love!

The pot-luck portion of the BBQ was also a success with enough delicious goodies to keep the entire party fed for hours. At one point it looked like Pinterest came to life in my kitchen (how cool is that.) I can’t wait to share some of my favorite recipes from the day so stay tuned.  For now, Ill give you a sneak peek at a couple of pictures of the super fun and simple decorations I made to bring a bit of flare to the party. **Spoiler alert, some of them become dinner later in the week**

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