
Monday, October 29, 2012

Spookily Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween is a time of a dentist's dreams. With candy and sugar around every corner kids are just a couple of treats away from the chair. I myself have had my fair share of dental work and probably have the worlds worst teeth so I have been doing my best to offer some healthier options at our festive holiday events this year. I'm sad to say that some of our festivities were canceled but hopefully we can make the best of it and still manage to get some trick-or-treating in on Wednesday.
So hear you go... my five top healthy Halloween treats for your next big event... be it a Halloween or Sandy themed affair! 

1. Apple Monster Mouths- Apple slices with peanut butter and almond slivers. Slice your apple, cover with peanut butter and then push the almond slivers into the flesh of the apple to make teeth.

2. Banana Ghost- Cut a banana in half and set it upright. Stick three raisins in it to make eyes and a mouth. I tried to roll mine in coconut to add some extra texture but it didn't work well so I would just stick it out with the regular banana.
3. Cheese Ghost- string cheese and raisins. Peal the bottom of the string cheese to make the fan of the ghost. Cut three slits in the other end of the stick and push one raisin in each hole to create the face. I actually used two raisins, one cut in half for the eyes and the other for the mouth.

4. Cheese and pretzle bugs and spiders- cheddar cheese chunks and pretzel sticks.
 5.  Hot Dog Mummy- hot dogs and crescent rolls, mustard eyes optional. Unroll the crescent rolls and use your fingers to pinch the perforations together to make one long piece. Cut thin strips to wrap the hot dogs with. I used my pizza cutter to cut these strips to make it super easy. Wrap the “head” of the hot dog and then the body leaving a small space for the face. Bake per instructions on the crescent roll packaging and serve!

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